living4media, the agency for interior design photography, is the world’s leading provider of images and features relating to furnishing, living, decorating, do-it-yourself and gardening. As a special image agency, we unite the best international image and feature producers under one roof. Our unique collection includes rights-managed and royalty-free single images as well as high-quality features. Our service team is at your disposal for individual image selections, rights clearance and quotes.
van Spaendonck, Pia | 66 images
Catherine's home blends flea-market finds with her whimsical animal art; FR
Hoge Bavel-Jansen, Corine | 52 images
Hans Peter & Geneviève's home combines creative details with design classics; NL
De Vries, Sietske | 62 images
Tulips in every colour make Nynke's garden a springtime wonderland; NL
Ton Bouwer, Monique van der Pauw | 42 images
Simplicity and charm reign in this Dutch countryside masterpiece; NL
van Spaendonck, Pia | 49 images
Julien & Lena love to share their historic home and garden with visitors; BE
De Vries, Sietske | 39 images
Maricia and Ernst's home blends nature with detailed, eclectic décor; NL
Hoge Bavel-Jansen, Corine | 38 images
Byou and Jeroen modernised their warm, minimalist 1925 house; NL
Raider, Peter | 20 images
Vibrant garden décor made with fabric scraps for a cosy outdoor vibe.
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